Brian L. Perkins - Where The Buffalo Roam
Brian L. Perkins
Most ads are like shitty party guests. They never stop talking about themselves, and they actively make people turn away. Good ads, on the other hand, are like delightful party guests: they make it about you. They ask good questions, make sharp observations, and they keep you entertained by being surprising, unexpected, and different. Brian L. Perkins truly strives to be a delightful party guest.
Brian is an award-winning writer and director who’s directed everything from online :06s to Super Bowl spots. He has permanent nerve damage in his knees from doing pratfalls in his 20s.
He has a Daytime Emmy Nomination. He once met the Unabomber. He directed a 37-minute film about puppies that one year beat out Die Hard and A Christmas story as Hulu’s most-watched Christmas movie. Shaquille O’Neill calls him “the Sexy Frenchman.” Brian is not French.